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About Janet

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Janet Nunn is an award-winning watercolorist known for her use of bright color and blending techniques. Janet’s works have been featured in Splash 14, and Splash 16 and Watercolor Artist magazine and has published several of her lessons in her book, “How Do You Paint That.” Her popular watercolor workshops take abstract techniques and make them realistic, all in an effort to simplify the watercolor painting process.

Janet paints with Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus Liquid Watercolors, a paint made in Colorado that keeps the brightness and consistency in the paintings. As an instructor, Janet enjoys teaching in a positive way, guiding students to uncover their own style of painting while they learn many watercolor techniques in a completely hands-on experience.

Follow Janet on Twitter or Like her Facebook page for the latest!

Look for Janet Nunn cards, bookmarks, and prints at these great gift stores:

Baby Does, 1116 Washington St, Golden CO 80401.

Tulip Gifts and Cards, 2312 S. Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80222.

Swiss Flower and Gift Shop, 9890 West 44th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80401

Here is a link to the Dr. Ph. Martin’s Web site if you are interested in buying the Hydrus Watercolors: