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Dillman's Art Workshop Retreat, June 8 through June 12, 2025

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Dillman's Art Workshop Retreat, June 8 through June 12, 2025

Having Fun with Liquid Watercolors

Dillman's brings nationally known professional art instructors to our all in one resort environment.  This escape is located in the great north woods of Wisconsin.

The class explores using the liquid paints, which gives more vibrancy to your paintings and simplifies the artist’s palette, making watercolor painting more efficient and more fun.  Janet has a unique way of teaching in which adults learn best.  In Janet’s classes, everyone paints and the sessions are based on a shortened demonstration time and a longer hands-on painting time allows for the participant to really learn.


We will try a variety of techniques – some traditional and some not – to apply the paint and make it work for you.  We will use a variety of brushes, but we will also use straws, plastic wrap, tissue, masking, misting water, and basting brushes.  When was the last time you created foliage in a landscape with a basting brush?


These classes are for every level of watercolor painter.  It is a great experience for those just learning the process for those with more experience who have been painting for a while and want to wake up their paintings or learn new techniques.

For more information on how to sign up for this workshop go to: