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Foothills Art Center Painting Note Cards Zoom Style October 24, 9 to 11, then 1 to 3pm

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Foothills Art Center Painting Note Cards Zoom Style October 24, 9 to 11, then 1 to 3pm

Enjoy learning how to paint watercolor techniques in a small format. A Note Card. In this class, you will try different techniques using watercolor paints, plastic wrap, masking tape, and maybe a basting brush. When completed you will have a card to save or to share. We will be doing the class Zoom style. We will start at 10 and to noon, take a break, then finish at 1 to 3 pm.

The people at Dr. Ph. Martins have put together a supply box for this class. It includes Set 1 of Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus watercolors 1/2 ounce, a set of note cards sleeves, and envelopes, a few of my painting tools. The tools are a splatter screen, string, a fine line sharpie, the Dr. ph. Martins HiCarb India Ink, and a writing stick. One-stop shopping! Go to and order the note card box for $55. Then you only have a few supplies needed that you usually have around the house like tape, a ruler, a board, water, and a water mister. Then you will be able to make more cards on your own.

To sign up for this class go to or call 303-279-3922.