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Cactus With Fruit


Cactus With Fruit

Cactus with Fruit.jpg
Cactus with Fruit.jpg

Cactus With Fruit

Sale Price:$200.00 Original Price:$300.00

This cactus plant was large and had many leaves and pods. There are many layers to this plant. The robust trunk supports a range of branches that extend outward, each adorned with vibrant, spiky foliage. The leaves, varying in shades of green, create a striking contrast against the earthy tones of the pot. Pods, small and round, cluster around the branches, adding a unique texture and interest. The layered structure of the plant not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also serves a purpose in its survival, capturing maximum sunlight and conserving water. This complexity reflects the resilience and adaptability inherent in such a botanical specimen.

This is framed 19 inches wide by 21 inches tall.

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