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Cottonwood Stars


Cottonwood Stars

CottonWood Stars New.jpg
CottonWood Stars New.jpg
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Cottonwood Stars

Sale Price:$600.00 Original Price:$1,000.00

This tree, located just around the corner from my home, has become a familiar source of inspiration. Earlier this year, I captured its essence in a painting, but with the arrival of fall, I felt compelled to revisit my work. This time, I am much more satisfied with the vibrant colors of the leaves set against the clear Colorado blue sky. The contrast brings a joyful energy to the piece, making it a true reflection of the beauty of the season.

The painting is framed with a brushed gold and bronze wood frame the size is 40 inches high by 52 inches wide.

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The painting is framed with a brushed gold and bronze wood frame the size is 40 inches high by 52 inches wide.