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Ghost Leaves an Original Watercolor Painting.


Ghost Leaves an Original Watercolor Painting.

Ghost Leaves.jpg
Ghost Leaves.jpg
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Ghost Leaves an Original Watercolor Painting.


October is a canvas of vibrant hues, with bright reds, oranges, and yellows encapsulating the essence of fall. After completing the initial layers with the rich colors of the leaves and the clear autumn sky, the painting felt incomplete.

Nearby, fragments of another artwork caught my eye, their colors perfectly aligned with the current piece. Inspired by this serendipitous encounter, I decided to incorporate these elements into the composition. The addition of white ghost leaves provided a whimsical touch, perfectly aligning with the spirit of Halloween. This finishing element not only enhanced the visual depth but also added a playful contrast, transforming the painting into a celebration of both the season and the holiday.

This is framed 22 high x 19 wide.

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