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Red Petunias an Original Watercolor Painting.


Red Petunias an Original Watercolor Painting.

Red Petunias.jpg
Red Petunias.jpg

Red Petunias an Original Watercolor Painting.


This year, the Petunia Basket outside my studio door was truly a sight to behold. Each morning, I was welcomed by a vibrant display of blossoms, their colors brightening the start of my day. On the day I decided to paint, I carried all my gear to the front porch to capture a better view of the flowers.

Sitting there, surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft light of the morning sun, I immersed myself in the moment. The petals shimmered with dew, showcasing their rich hues of pink, purple, and white, each shade begging to be translated onto paper. The experience was more than just painting; it was a celebration of nature's beauty and a meditation in the art of observation.

A great moment was captured that day, reflecting not only the splendor of the petunias but also the tranquility of that serene setting. The resulting painting serves as a reminder of the joy that blossoms can bring, transforming a simple view into a cherished memory.

this is framed 38 high x 28 wide

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