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Splash in Back

Splash in Back.jpg
Splash in Back.jpg

Splash in Back

Sale Price:$600.00 Original Price:$1,000.00

The Splash at the back of the rocks offers a serene experience in Kauai. The rhythmic waves crashing against the rugged coastline, paired with the lush greenery, creates a tranquil atmosphere. It is an idyllic spot to unwind and connect with nature, inviting visitors to pause and appreciate the beauty surrounding them. The interplay of water and land provides a perfect backdrop for reflection and relaxation.

This painting measures, 31 inches wide by 39 inches tall.

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The Splash in the back of the rocks is a very nice place to see in Kauai. The foliage, the rocks, and the waves as they crash over the rocks are calming and exciting at the same time. A basting brush was the main brush in this painting.