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Turning Trees, an original watercolor painting.


Turning Trees, an original watercolor painting.

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Turning Trees, an original watercolor painting.


This year, the trees changed colors to perfection. The vibrant yellows blended seamlessly with the deep greens, creating a stunning tapestry across the landscape. Each leaf seemed to glow as the sun filtered through, illuminating the rich hues. The crisp air carried a hint of sweetness, enhancing the overall experience of this autumn spectacle.

Ideal weather conditions complemented the scene; gentle breezes rustled through the branches, causing occasional showers of leaves to dance to the ground. The skies were often clear, allowing for uninterrupted views of the brilliant transformation. It was a season that invited contemplation and appreciation, drawing people outdoors to bask in nature’s artistry.

This is framed 16.5 high x 14 wide.

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